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The role of massage therapy in pelvic health

Massage therapy addresses the external musculature attaching to the pelvis, such as hamstrings, hip-flexors, adductors, glutes, and core. It works to release or strengthen these muscles and regain proper balance and function. The aim of pelvic health massage is to return women to fitness after injury or pregnancy, and to help maintain strength and agility through all stages of life. It is an effective complimentary therapy to pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Pelvic floor disorders are commonly seen in association with other conditions, therefore pelvic health massage addresses, not just the condition, but the individual.

Unlike pelvic floor physiotherapists, massage therapists do not assess or treat pelvic floor symptoms internally. If you are not in the care of a pelvic floor physiotherapist and an internal exam is indicated, the appropriate referral can be made.

What to expect at your first appointment

Your first appointment will include a thorough assessment of the hips, low back and SI joint. An in-depth interview regarding your symptoms, health, and functional history will be conducted.

Yoga pants or shorts are recommended for the assessment.

Conditions Treated

Low Back Pain

Pregnancy Pain

Hip and SI Pain

Diastasis Recti

C-Section Scar Treatment

Pelvic Pain

Post-Partum Treatment

Abdominal and Diaphragm Pain

